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The WCC Goes to the Cats?

The WCC encourages conservation efforts not only for wolves, but for all wild species. This January the WCC lecture series continues with a very special program:

Bringing Back the Ledgend: Cougar Recovery in Eastern North America.
Photo: Spencer Wilhelm

January 10, 2010 – The search for the eastern cougar is one of the great riddles in North American natural history. Despite thousands of sightings from Maine to Mississippi, only a dozen confirmations have emerged east of Chicago during the past generation. Join Christopher Spatz of the Eastern Cougar Foundation (ECF) for a special talk about the behavior, biology and current range of this elusive cat. Spatz will explain why restorations of this magnificent predator are imperative for the recovery of critically declining eastern forests. Guests will also join in a howl while visiting with ambassador wolves- Kaila, Apache, Lukas and Atka.

Pre-registration is required. Click here to register today!