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Day Four in Yellowstone!

Thursday was our final full day of wildlife watching and we assumed that the odds were low that we would add to our robust catalog of animals we had spotted up to that point. Thanks to WCC’s Spencer Wilhelm, a.k.a. “Hawkeye”, we were able to grow our list with the addition of yet another great beast, an elusive moose well concealed within a lush grove! The day was busy with continued wolf and grizzly interactions in Lamar Valley and a nice hike to the upper falls in the park’s Grand Canyon. We returned to Gardiner fulfilled and exhausted with a little time to wash up for dinner. The previous night’s feast was especially delightful joined by a special guest – world renowned wildlife tracker and author Jim Halfpenny! Our final dinner was equally exciting in the company of another special visitor, Emmy-award winning cinematographer Bob Lanids. It was a thrill to share our recent experiences with someone who has excelled in the art of wildlife filmmaking in Yellowstone for over 30 years and a treat to enjoy a private screening of one of Bob’s latest undertakings yet to be released! At the night’s end, The Wild Side’s Nathan and Linda prepared us for the next day, offering us one last chance to visit the park for a morning of wildlife adventures. Although this venture was optional, we all jumped at the opportunity to get one last Yellowstone “fix.” Our last morning jaunt was required to be brief, so when “Hawkeye” again demonstrated his gift behind the scope and located an animal most consider very difficult to spot in the wild, we were amazed! Thanks to Spencer, the WCC Yellowstone adventurers rounded out our list of sightings with the addition of a busy badger on the hunt!

What can I say – the WCC’s Yellowstone adventure exceeded everyone’s expectations, even those who have frequented the park in years past. Nathan and Linda were phenomenal guides and we can’t wait to join them in the country’s oldest national park again really soon. Winter, perhaps?

To view a list of the animal we spotted, please click “More”!
Mule Deer
Bighorn Sheep
Mountain Goat
River Otter
Black Bear
Grizzly Bear
Yellow Bellied Marmot
Ground Squirrel
Least Chipmunk
Red Squirrel
Cutthroat Trout
Snake (unidentified)
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle
Sandhill Crane
Mountain Bluebird
Swansons Hawk
Ruddy Duck
Goldeneye Duck
Cliff Swallows
Chimney Swifts
Lesser Scaup
American Dipper/Ouzel
Canada Goose
Trumpeter Swan
Red Winged Blackbird
Brown Headed Cowbird