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There Goes the Neighborhood…

10-22-10 – Mexican gray wolf M805 is released into his new home

Atka the arctic gray wolf has seen a lot of changes in his neck of the woods in just this past year. It all began last fall when the Wolf Conservation Center’s (WCC) red wolf exhibit opened just across the path from Atka’s home. Atka enjoys interacting through the fence with red wolves F1397 and M1483. The pair adds some spice to the neighborhood and Atka loves a good show. The following spring the red wolf family doubled with the arrival of their 2 pups born on May 6th. Atka must have witnessed an especially spicy show last winter during breeding season! More recently, about a month ago, another wolf moved into the neighborhood, Mexican gray wolf F837. It isn’t rare to catch Atka holding court with all of the new residents in the area. Atka, the red wolf parents, and Mexican wolf F837 often assemble in location where the corners of the three enclosures come near to one another. Staff and volunteers refer to this spot as the “United Nations” of the WCC. What do you suppose our arctic ambassador is discussing with our Mexican and red representatives? All the members of the “U.N.” have a lot to talk about today because a new wolf came to town! Mexican gray wolf M805 was released into the upper half of the WCC’s new Lobo exhibit late this morning. The seven year old male is currently busy exploring his new habitat, a bachelor pad for now but not for long. Next month M805 will be united with his neighbor, female wolf F837, and soon he too will be able to join the U.N. to discuss all the important topics on Atka’s agenda. It’s a big day for these Mexican gray wolves. Today is the first time two wolves have laid eyes on one another and F837 has never lived with a male before! Let’s cross our fingers that they hit it off!