Passions Ignite as Idaho and Montana Prepare for Wolf Hunts
A national debate continues over the controversial wolf hunts set to begin this fall in Idaho and Montana. Montana alone is proposing a quota of 220 wolves, the highest proposed quota yet, up from 75 in the state’s inaugural wolf hunting season in 2009. Details on Idaho’s hunt will be determined later this summer. In the meantime, several campaigns from both sides reflect that this is an issue that ignites passion nationwide. In advance of the hunts, Fish and Wildlife sought comments from the public and Associated Press released a report analyzing some of opinions. Norman Bishop of Bozeman (MT) suggested the “Northern Rockies region could support up to ten times more wolves than the current population of 1,651 in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington.” Other voices included one from California who refers to wolves as “hounds of Hell…” As a New Yorker, I sometimes feel I’m at a disadvantage contributing to the wolf debate in the West so I was so pleased to read that some comments from Montana support wolf recovery. Perhaps the comment from CA watches too many horror movies…I expect the conversation will heat up further once Idaho releases their quota in late July. Stay tuned.