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The Wolf Conservation Center’s Art Contest for Kids Has a Winner!

The Wolf Conservation Center’s (WCC) staff and wolves would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all the kids who entered our Spring Art Contest! It’s been such a pleasure to receive so many masterpieces from children all around the world. We hope that everyone had as much fun creating the art as we have had receiving it! We’re excited to announce that after going through hundreds of entries, we finally selected the grand prize winner. Congratulations to Edel, a talented 11-yr-old who lives in France! We hope that Edel enjoys her prize: : a $100 level adopt-a-wolf kit for our two newest members to the Ambassador Pack and a beautiful African Painted Dog snare wire mask.

Snare wire art is an example of how creativity, education, and conservation can work hand in hand. This art form provides employment opportunities community artists in Zimbabwe. The snare wire is reclaimed from the bush and then sculptured into beautiful wildlife masks. Not only does this program benefit some artists in African communities, the snare art also helps safeguard the limited number of painted dogs that remain in the wild. The program employs members of the community to remove the destructive wire from the landscape so in the form of art, it can help people learn about Africa’s wildlife and the protection many species require. To learn more about the African Painted Dog and the snare wire art program, please visit Painted Dog Conservation Project (PDC)

Big thanks to our contest sponsors who enabled us to offer this contest to kids around the world:  Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS), Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, and Jean Craighead George.  To Edel and the all the others who entered the contest, we hope you continue to thrive with wildlife, wolves, and wild habitat as your inspiration!