Lack of Snow Has Yellowstone Wolf Pack On The Move
When wolves were first reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park 17 years ago today, the landscape was a whole lot snowier! Visitors to the Park are having a hard time believing that it’s January. It’s been a strange dry winter and the visitors aren’t the only ones who are noticing. Scientists believe the lack of snowfall has the Park’s largest pack, the “Mollies,” on the move in search for easier prey. Bison, the hardest prey for wolves to kill, is the usual fare for the Mollies and the pack has previously depended on deep snow to give themselves an advantage over their prey which average 1,000- to 2,000 pounds. The pack migrated over 20 miles to the Lamar Valley and have have lingered there for close to three weeks. The packs that usually call the valley home are likely eager for this formidable pack to make tracks. To read more about the Mollies’ migration from the Missoulian, please click here.