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Look Who’s Coming For Dinner

Red wolves F1397 and M1483 have some dinner guests who might just become the main course if they’re not careful. Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) WOLFCAM watchers are not only getting a chance to observe two critically endangered wolves in real time, but also some hungry scavengers. All morning, a committee of black vultures have been dining on the wolves’ road-killed deer carcass with the wolves watching close by. We don’t feed any of our wolves live prey, but every once in a while a critter makes a poor career move by visiting any of the 25 wolves that call the WCC home. This red wolf pair have successfully hunted black vultures, crows, skunks and other small prey items. The vultures have an advantage today. Due to the unseasonably mild weather and the wolves’ already full bellies, the birds will ikely enjoy their free meal without any dire consequences. Watch our WOLFCAM now and let us know if you see anything interesting :