Happy Birthday Atka!
Today the big guy turns 10 years old! It’s hard to believe our Ambassador pup is all grown up. Seems like it was just yesterday when hundreds of people traveled to the Wolf Conservation Center’s Pup Fair to celebrate arrival of the stunning fellow. But think of all the people he has touched since his puppy-hood in 2002. Atka has traveled to over 1000 schools, libraries, nature centers, etc… and he never fails to impress the masses with his rock-star attitude. He’s a true road warrior, an inspiration, and for the WCC staff and volunteers – the best boss we’ll ever have. With the mission to educate people about wolves, their relationship in the environment, and the human role in protecting their future, the WCC family thanks Atka for his valued service. You never know, Atka may be in your neck of the woods soon!