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The Rural Economic Vitalization Act (REVA) – For the Wedge Pack

We heard some very upsetting news from Wolf Haven International this afternoon. Many of us spoke up on behalf of the Wedge Pack, and now the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife announced they and could kill up to four wolves in this family for killing a calf.

“The latest news on the Wedge wolf pack is that two injured calves were discovered on August 30 on the Diamond M Ranch. One calf was severely injured and died over the weekend, and the other was less seriously wounded. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife staff and outside experts including Carter Niemeyer confirmed that the attacks were from wolves. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will initiate lethal control today, and could kill up to four wolves in the Wedge Pack.”

This news is discouraging but there is a solution to prevent the lethal removal of wolves who have been charged of depredation on livestock on public land – it is called H.R. 3432 or the Rural Economic Vitalization Act (REVA) – a bill that allows ranchers, environmentalists, and taxpayers to finally take some common sense steps to ensure our public lands are safe for our wildlife.

To learn more about REVA and how you can support the bill and ask your Congressperson to do so as well, please register on National Wolfwatcher Coalition‘s POPVOX Legislative Campaign – If you vote to support the bill, an immediate message is sent directly to your Congressperson.

For the Wedge Pack.