The Suspense is “Mounting!” Update on WCC’s Lobo Lovebirds
Love is in the air and we’ve been doing our best to watch for encouraging behavior among our three breeding pairs. Our bashful couples are unlikely to display amorous behavior for a crowd of spectators, most romantic activities occur behind closed doors. Thankfully, we need not rely entirely on eyewitness accounts, Wolf Conservation Center staff and supporters have been spying on one couple via live webcam! Thanks to the webcam following Mexican wolves M805 and F837, we’ve been able to gauge how our elusive wolves are feeling. For weeks the pair showed no indication that breeding season had begun, perhaps they didn’t get the memo?
A few days ago, however, things began to “heat up.” Although we have yet to catch the lobos in a copulatory tie, we’ve seen plenty of flirting and attempts! Please help us keep an eye on the pair via webcam and if you see anything interesting let us know!
Remember, it’s okay to watch — it’s science! Tune in here.