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Michigan Voters Want Wolves Protected

With just 687 wolves in Michigan and more than 50 years spent to recover them, the  Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) believes we need to keep Michigan wolves protected. The WCC is among the 119 other organizations across the country that endorsed an advocacy movement sparked by the great folks from Keep Michigan’s Wolves Protected to place a referendum on the Michigan statewide ballot in 2014 that would allow voters to choose whether or not to enact the legislature’s wolf hunting law.  Within 67 days, an impressive 253,000 signatures (exceeding the required number by 90,000) were obtained and submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State for certification so the issue can be included on the November 2014 ballot to be voted upon by registered voters.

Earlier this week, Senator Casperson introduced SB 288, legislation that would undermine the ability of Michigan voters to protect wildlife. If passed, the bill puts the fragile wolf population at risk of trophy hunting (undermining the 253,000+ signatures that Keep Michigan Wolves Protected collected statewide) and puts species like mourning doves at risk of being used for target practice.  On top of this, Michigan citizens would not be allowed to challenge a NRC decision through the referendum process.

The National Wolfwatcher Coalition explains how advocates in Michigan and elsewhere  can lend their voice to safeguard Michigan wolves.
Take Action.