How will you #StandForWolves?
August 14th is the National Day of Action for wolves! Today the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) and coalition partners launch a multi-month campaign of events and activities that highlight the importance of wolves to ecosystems and teach people of all ages easy ways they can participate as effective voices for wolves now and in the future. There are many ways people can join the movement to support wolf recovery and voice their opposition to USFWS’s nationwide gray wolf delisting proposal.
Wolves in the Northeast, California, Pacific Northwest, Southern Rocky Mountains, and elsewhere would be left to be managed by state game agencies. These states would be free to allow hunting, trapping, even gassing of wolves within their borders. Still-recovering wolf populations could be decimated for sport and their would be no recourse under Secretary Jewell’s proposal.
Are you on Twitter? Tweet #standforwolves @SecretaryJewell!
Join the Thunderclap that promotes the #StandForWolves message as part of the National Day of Action for Wolves.
Tell Secretary Jewell you Stand for Wolves by submitting your comment opposing this plan and attend a National Day of Action event near you.
If you’re in NY, please consider attending service-learning event sponsored by PRAI Beauty and the Center for Biological Diversity, “Family Walk to Protect America’s Wild Heritage.” The event is FREE and hosted by the Wolf Conservation Center and National Wolfwatcher Coalition. Click here for info.
More info/materials from our friends at Endangered Species Coalition