Help America’s Wolves – Oppose the Nationwide Delisting Today
The Washington DC #StandforWolves Rally is happening now! Wildlife advocates of all ages have come out to show their support for America’s wolves.
If you cannot be there in person, please take action online. Wolves nationwide urgently need your help. Over 1700 wolves have already been killed since Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections were lifted in six states in 2011, and now U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) plans to strip Federal protections from nearly all gray wolves nationwide. If USFWS carries out their nationwide delisting proposal, the agency will be dismissing America’s support of wolf recovery and scientists with expertise in conservation biology who warn the delisting rule is premature. For the sake of wolves and the environment, we must continue to urge USFWS not to kill 40 years of recovery. We only have until October 28th to submit comments so please act today! The National Wolfwatcher Coalition offers effective talking points here. COMMENT HERE.