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A Reprieve for Some Wolves and an End for Others

On June 7, 2013, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) officially announced proposals that will impact the future of America’s gray wolves.

1) Nationwide Gray Wolf Delisting Proposal: USFWS’s proposes to remove Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in the contiguous United States.

2) Proposed  Rules for Mexican Wolf Reintroduction & Recovery: USFWS plans to re-designate wild Mexican gray wolves as “experimental, non-essential,” allowing recreation and industry to trump their recovery.

Thankfully, the agency announced that the comment period deadline on the above proposals have been extended from October 28th to December 17th. While this is GOOD news, we encourage you continue to urge those you know to comment today.

“Green Right Now” writer  Barbara Kessler reminds us, “…while the potential wholesale delisting of the gray wolves in the lower 48 states (minus a swath of Arizona and New Mexico) has been pushed back, there’s been no respite for wolves in the rifle scopes of hunters in states where the wolves have already lost federal protections.”

So far this season close to 300 wolves have been killed in the lower 48.

  • Latest Posted Idaho Wolf Hunt Kill total : 78
  • Latest Posted Montana Wolf Hunt Kill Total : 37
  • Wyoming Wolf Kill Total : 47
  • Latest Posted Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Kill Total: 127

And hunts will soon begin in MI & MN.

Wolves nationwide urgently need our help.  Please take a moment to voice your support for wolf recovery and encourage others to do so as well.  Enough is enough.  Comment lonks and effective talking points are below.

Nationwide Delisting Proposal

  • Voice your opposition to the Nationwide Delisting proposal – Comment here.
  • Effective talking points re: delisting plan here.

Proposed Rule Changes that Govern Mexican Wolf Reintroduction

  • Tell USFWS that Mexican wolves are essential  – Comment here.
  • Effective talking points re: Mexican wolves here.

Thank you!