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Alaska’s Southeast Wolf Control Program On Hold

Back in January, 2013, the Alaska Board of Game voted to proceed with two studies which would ultimately initiate “experimental” predator control measures on rare Alexander Archipelago wolves to increase the population of deer for hunters. The proposed experimental control programs called for reducing the wolf population at least by 80% in this area.

We are happy to report that this Southeast Wolf Control program has been put on hold.  State game managers say they are still collecting info on deer and wolf populations before deciding whether to go ahead with the wolf kills or other options. Although there has been support among southeast hunters for the programs, an overwhelming number of opponents from around the globe urged the state not to kill wolves. Read more here.

Background: Archipelago wolves are found only in the old-growth forests of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia. There is currently a petition pending before the U.S. Department of the Interior to include these wolves on either the threatened or endangered species lists under the Endangered Species Act. Read more.