New York City Bar Association Committee Opposes Nationwide Gray Wolf Delisting
The Committee on Animal Law of the New York City Bar Association (an independent non-governmental organization of more than 23,000 lawyers, law professors and government officials, predominantly from New York City and also from throughout the United States and fifty other countries) opposed U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s nationwide gray wolf delisting proposal in an October 24th letter to USFWS Director Daniel Ashe.
The Committee argues that gray wolves should remain listed as endangered because:
1) It is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range
2) It is over utilized for recreational hunting and trapping in the lower 48 states
3) Its population suffers substantially from both disease and human predation
4) The existing state regulatory mechanisms are inadequate to protect the Gray Wolf from extinction.
The Wolf Conservation Center sends howls of thanks to the Committee on Animal Law for adding its voice of support at this critical time. You can add your voice to this discussion. Please tell USFWS that you #StandForWolves today by submitting your comment via the link below:
• Delisting Comment link
• Talking points
Thank you!