Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom
Despite the vast effort, resources, and support invested in wolf recovery, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) is poised to make changes that will put the future of the gray wolf and its proven benefits to ecosystems at serious risk.
1) Nationwide Gray Wolf Delisting Proposal: USFWS’s proposes to remove Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in the contiguous United States despite wolves occupying only about 5 percent of their historic range.
2) Proposed Rules for Mexican Wolf Reintroduction & Recovery: Although the critically endangered Mexican gray wolf, or “lobo,” is exempt from USFWS’s nationwide delisting proposal, lobos will be subject to other provisions that are very problematic – including the recovery area’s artificial boundaries and their re-designation as an “experimental, nonessential” population.
USFWS is accepting comments re: these two separate proposals until December 17th and is also offers public hearings for people to comment in person. Last night was the first of four rescheduled public hearings and it was an affirming experience for those of us who care about wolves. Here are some compelling statements recounted by our friends from WildEarth Guardians.
“I want my kids, their kids and their kids to get the privilege of seeing wolves.” – Emile, under 10
“I am the voice of my generation, please listen to me. We want wolves on the landscape.” – Mckenna, 7
“I’m a lifetime member of the NRA and I would like to see wolves protected.” – gentleman in his 60s
WildEarth Guardians estimates that fewer than 10 folks in the 400 were supporters of delisting. Mission accomplished in Denver, Albuquerque, here we come!
If you’re unable to attend a hearing, please comment online!
- Voice your opposition to the Nationwide Delisting proposal (talking points)
- Tell USFWS that Mexican wolves are essential (talking points)