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Wisconsin, Wolves, and What We Can Do

For over a century, wolves were demonized, tortured, shot, and trapped in the U.S. until without understanding the serious ecological consequences, we almost totally exterminated wolves in most of their former range. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) gave us a chance to right our past wrongs. With second chances so hard to come by, why are we throwing this one away?

In Wisconsin, the wolf hunting/trapping season began on Oct 15th and 181 wolves have been killed so far. This represents an average of 11 wolves killed/day.  We cannot give these fallen individuals their lives back, but we still have a chance to prevent opening the door to more killing by telling U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service we oppose it’s proposal to strip ESA protections from wolves nationwide. 

Read more and please #StandForWolves today by telling USFWS that you oppose its nationwide delisting plan.  The agency is accepting comments until December 17th.

• Delisting Comment link HERE.
• Talking points HERE.

Thank you and please spread the word!