Wolf Conservation Center Honored As 2013 Top-Rated Nonprofit
“When it was time for the wolf Atka to come into the room during a recent Wolf Conservation Center presentation, my body reacted instantly. I was surprised that I had any response whatsoever, since I knew that he’d be coming out, but I immediately felt that I was sharing space with a regal, important and mystical being. I have seen so many animal events, but this one was powerful to me. I learned a lot about the importance of wolves to the balance of life. I knew they played a critical role, but after the presentation, I really understood how wolves fit into the big picture.“
~ WCC supporter who attended a Wolf Conservation Center offsite program.
New GreatNonprofits.org Award is Based on Positive Online Reviews
It is with howls of gratitude that the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) announces that it has been honored with a prestigious 2013 Top-Rated Award by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations.
“We are really excited to be named a Top-Rated 2013 Nonprofit,” says Maggie Howell, WCC Executive Director. “This year alone we’ve made great strides in our duel mission of education and wolf recovery.” Through wolves the WCC teaches the broader message of conservation, ecological balance, and personal responsibility for improved human stewardship of our World. “The WCC has become a catalyst for change among a new generation of stewards who can take on the environmental challenges of the future. We’re especially excited about our new ‘Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Wolf Education: Tracks to the Future.’ It affords elementary and middle school students differentiated opportunities to learn and master many of the required common core academic standards while using wolf conservation as its integrating theme.”
The Top-Rated Nonprofit award was based on the large number of positive reviews that the WCC received – reviews written by volunteers, donors and clients. People posted their personal experience with the nonprofit. For example, one person wrote, “One of the center’s important roles is to reach young people through onsite and offsite programs. These folks can share their knowledge and appreciation of wolves with others throughout their lives.”
While the Top-Rated Awards run through the end of October, the WCC was part of the inaugural group to qualify for the year.
“Savvy donors want to see the impact of their donations more than ever,” said Perla Ni, CEO of GreatNonprofits, “People with direct experience with the WCC have voted that the organization is making a real difference.”
Being on the Top-Rated list gives donors and volunteers more confidence that this is a credible organization. The reviews by volunteers, clients and other donors show the on-the-ground results of this nonprofit. This award is a form of recognition by the community. Do more to support the WCC’s work here.