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Opening the Door To Understanding Wolves

Yesterday, Ambassador wolf Atka turned 12 years old! It’s hard to believe our Ambassador pup is all grown up. Atka has touched so many since his puppy-hood. He’s traveled to over 1000 schools, libraries, museums, and more, always impressing the masses with his rock-star attitude. He’s a true road warrior, an inspiration, and for Wolf Conservation Center staff and volunteers – the best boss we’ll ever have. It’s our mission to recover wolf populations in North America and Atka opens the door to understanding his misunderstood species. By educating adults and children about the importance and plight of his wild kin, he helps mobilize support and advocates for wolves who are unable speak for themselves. We are so grateful for Atka and the incredible impact he’s had on so many. Big thanks to a great team of students from SUNY New Paltz for creating this educational film about Atka, the Wolf Conservation Center, and our efforts to recover wolves on the wild landscape.

Waning Wolf from ian todaro on Vimeo.

(Film correction: Founding population for the red wolf was 14 and the current wild population is close to 100)