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National Wolf Awareness Week Begins October 12

National Wolf Awareness Week begins on October 12th! Wolves have long been shrouded by myth and superstition, this week provides an opportunity to opening the door to understanding the importance and plight of the keystone species. It’s a time to recognize wolves as an ESSENTIAL part of our natural landscapes and to engage others to become interested and active in wolf survival. 

Starting on Sunday October 12, we invite you to join the #bewolfaware movement – a collaborative effort online to provide an alternative narrative to the common myths, fairy tales, and misconceptions surrounding wolves. Celebrate with us on the Wolf Conservation Center website, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube and join in the action by adding #bewolfaware to your wolf related posts on your favorite media platforms.  In addition to providing an alternative narrative to the common myths, fairy tales, and misconceptions surrounding wolves, we’ll offer giveaways, “lobo loot” days, and unveil a big surprise to a global audience which will increase awareness for wolves and our efforts to recover them.

 So join our pack and #bewolfaware October 12 – 18!