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Exploring Wolf Recovery in the Northeast

“In wildness is the preservation of the world” ~ H.D. Thoreau

The Northeast Wolf Coalition envisions populations of wolves recovered in numbers that will allow them to re-establish their critical role in nature and ensure their long-term survival in the region. A new video, “A Wilder Northeast,” produced by Predator Defense and the Coalition presents its case… 

Next week, the Wolf Conservation Center will welcome members of the Northeast Wolf Coalition to its first conference, “Exploring Wolf Recovery in the Northeast ~Taxonomy, Recolonization and Reintroduction” ~ to discuss strategies that promote a wilder Northeast. The two-day meeting will be held at Walden Woods, the place that cradled Thoreau’s philosophies and led to the modern conservation movement. We look forward to keeping you posted as developments unfold.

Background: Recognizing the need for a collaborative effort that explores the vision of and potential for wolf recovery in the Northeast USA, the Northeast Wolf Coalition was established in March, 2014 as an alliance of conservation organizations in New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut and beyond. The Coalition’s work, guided by some of our nation’s best and brightest conservation scientists, strives to ensure that the foundation of its vision and work is based on the application of the best available and most current scientific principles.

“We have unique opportunities and challenges here in the Northeast,” said Maggie Howell, WCC director and coordinator of the Coalition. “The Northeast Wolf Coalition is working together using the most current peer reviewed science to raise awareness and increase public understanding about wolves. A broad base of public support is necessary for wolves to recover and we remain committed to ensuring that stakeholders become active stewards in that regard. There are biological, economic and ethical reasons to facilitate wolf recovery and the Coalition is eager to work with area residents, organizations, and state and federal agencies to promote the wolf’s natural return to our region.”

The WCC is honored to be among the participating organizations in the Northeast Wolf Coalition and also a fiscal sponsor. If you’re interested in supporting the coalition’s initiative in the Northeast, please consider purchasing a Northeast Wolf Coalition sweatshirt.  All proceeds will be used solely for Coalition work. Shop here.

To learn more about the Coalition, please visit