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Earthjustice: From Cecil to Echo, Slaughter of Endangered Animals Stampedes On

From Cecil to Echo, Slaughter of Endangered Animals Stampedes On

By Heather Kathryn Ross | Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Full article posted on the Earthjustice Blog

A hunter shoots down a rare, protected apex predator sporting a radio collar for study. Claiming his actions are legal, the hunter sparks a firestorm of criticism and renewed debate about protections for imperiled species. The animal we’re talking about is Cecil the lion, lured out of the protected habitat in Zimbabwe where he was killed by Minnesota dentist for sport.

But we’re also talking about Echo, a gray wolf who made headlines in 2014 as the first wolf spotted in the Grand Canyon area in 70 years.

Now the Endangered Species Act itself is in danger too. Ask your members of Congress to fight back against legislation that would weaken the ESA and put more imperiled animals in sport hunters’ sites.
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