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Whether She’s “Twerking” or Not, Science is on Miley Cyrus’s Side

Earlier this week Miley Cyrus​ took to Instagram to urge fans to sign Pacific Wild​’s petition to end British Columbia’s wolf cull. Now BC Premier Christy Clark says Cyrus should stop meddling in the province’s environmental policies and to stick to what she knows best, twerking. Whether she’s “twerking” or not, science is on Miley’s side. So perhaps Premier Christy Clark should take a break from insulting pop stars so she can follow the science.

 • As reported in the Canadian Journal of Zoology in Nov 2014, killing wolves to save endangered Caribou fails to achieve any improvement in Boreal Woodland Caribou survival.

 • According to a Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) report, the places where the caribou are most at risk in BC are where habitats are threatened by seismic lines, pipelines, roads and fracking – not wolves.

So thank you, Miley Cyrus, for bringing attention to BC’s unscientific and unethical wolf cull and for using your voice to prevent the cruel and unnecessary deaths of thousands of BC wolves.

Please sign and share the petition here.

Thank you!