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The Rider Roundup: An Overview of Anti-ESA Riders – Day Five


Despite the success and public support of the Endangered Species Act, some members of Congress have introduced dozens of anti-ESA riders that seek gut the ESA and block its protections for wolves & other imperiled species.

In Day Five of the ‪#‎RiderRoundup‬, we introduce another anti-environment rider— one of many that seek to gut the Endangered Species Act and block its protections for wolves and other imperiled species.

H. Amdt. 611 (H.R. 2822) House Interior Appropriations Bill of 2016; Gray Wolves

This provision blocks the protection of gray wolves in WA, OR and UT under the ESA, thwarting recovery efforts in three states with suitable habitat where gray wolves are just beginning to repopulate.

Please TAKE ACTION by urging your representatives to PROTECT the ESA and to oppose any legislation that takes aim at imperiled wildlife!

Thank you to all who have already participated in this action alert!