Wolf Conservation Center’s Endangered Red Wolves get a Clean Bill of Health
People often ask us how we monitor the health of our wolves. Needless to say, the well-being of our wolves is a top priority, so we constantly take stock of their health, monitoring the shy animals as much as we possible in person and also via webcam. We also conduct periodic veterinary checks for hands-on assessments, vaccinations, and blood-work. Under Species Survival Plan protocols, our Mexican gray wolves and red wolves must be checked by a veterinarian on an annual basis.
Last Friday we completed the last of three health checks and all the “patients,” eleven red wolves, are in great health! In addition to the health exams, we also moved the wolves around. The Wolf Conservation Center currently houses two groups of red wolves – the multi-generational family of nine made popular by the WCC webcams live in one enclosure and the original matriarch of that family, Grandma F1397 (“Witch hazel”), and her companion, red wolf M1566, live in another. The two groups swapped enclosures so F1397 now resides in the familiar site where she raised her two boys, M1803 (Moose) and M1804 (Thicket). Thus red wolf family of nine will are no longer visible via webcam. However, this is TEMPORARY!
Thanks to supporters (including many of you!) we will have new webcams installed and streaming soon. A new dencam is already installed and we hope to have it streaming any day now. The second webcam is in the mail! So while some adjustment is required of the webcam community, viewers are now able to enter the secret life of the female red wolf who started it all. We hope everyone enjoys getting to know her (and her hubby!), we’re hoping the pair will have pups this spring! So hold tight, cross your paws and before you know it you’ll be able to tune in and visit all the red wolves who call the WCC home.
Howls of thanks to Pound Ridge Veterinary Center‘s Dr Renee Bayha for donating her time and expertise!