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70 Scientists Recommend Continuing Federal Protection for Wolves Under the ESA

Via an open letter, seventy scientists and scholars have recommended continuing federal protection for wolves under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the Great Lakes region and beyond.

In the letter the authors state, “wolves in Great Lakes region should remain protected under the ESA at this time and until the legal requirements for delisting are met. Delisting is possible, if and when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uses the best available science that justifies delisting. Currently it does not.”

Read the letter HERE.

For further information please contact any of the following authors:

  • Adrian Treves, PhD, (, 608-890-1450 or 608-770-6873), Associate Professor, Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 53705, Carnivore Coexistence Researcher, knowledgeable about all aspects of the letter
  • Jeremy T Bruskotter, PhD, (, 614-595-7036), Associate Professor of Environmental Sociology, The Ohio State University, knowledgeable about all aspects of the letter
  • William Lynn, PhD, (, 508-395-7764), Research Scientist in the Marsh Institute at Clark University, Senior Fellow for Ethics and Public Policy at Loyola Marymount University, ethicist and social scientist, knowledgeable about ethics and public policy regarding wolf recovery.
  • Michael Paul Nelson, PhD, (, 541-737-9221), Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources and Professor of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy at Oregon State University, environmental ethicist, lead Principle Investigator of the HJ Andrews Long-Term Ecological Research program, knowledgeable about all aspects of the letter.
  • John Vucetich, PhD, (, 906-370-3282), Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Wolf Biologist, Leader of Isle Royale wolf-moose research, knowledgeable about all aspects of the letter