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Walk for Wolves Postponed to August 17

WEDNESDAY, August 17
1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
(4 Reservation Rd, Cross River, NY 10576 Shelter 5)

With the threat of severe weather, we have postponed our Walk with Wolves event to Wednesday, August 17. We hope you too can join us next week to honor one of the world’s most endangered wild canids – the red wolf.

Children will be invited to participate in an outdoor adventure through a circuit of educational workshops focusing on the importance and plight of the critically endangered red wolf. In addition to earning free raffle tickets for exciting prizes at every station along the trail, children will be collecting information that will help them craft personal letters to the USFWS about the red wolf and the critical need to continue the red wolf recovery program in North Carolina. Ambassador wolf Atka will be there and we hope you will be too!