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The Lobos Are Howlin’ and the Wild is Callin’!

These critically endangered Mexican gray wolves represent one of the two potential lobo pairs chosen for release by USFWS! Later this summer, Mexican wolves F1362, M1196, yearling f1494, and pups of the year should be released in the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico. No more fence-lines, just the vast wilderness to explore and bring to balance.

But someone is poised to block their freedom, and she’s not a scientist…

Under Governor Susana Martinez, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in May and obtained an injunction barring the federal agency from releasing wolves into the wild in the state. The federal government and conservation organizations have appealed that injunction, but while the appeal is being decided the Mexican wolf’s genetic plight is worsening.

The Service has a responsibility under federal law to facilitate recovery of the critically endangered species and releases are a central part of that effort. Here’s hoping the federal appeals court agrees.