A March for Science is a March for Wolves
The March for Science is taking place tomorrow all across the country. We will be marching for science, and most of us will be marching for the environment, too, because that day is also the 47th anniversary of Earth Day.
As citizens of the 21st century, our nation and world are at a crossroads when it comes to ensuring the future sustainability of our air, water, wild lands and wildlife for future generations. Our nation’s future relies on a well-educated public to be wise stewards of the very environment that sustains us – now and for future generations. The recent efforts to constrain and muzzle scientific research and shroud well-established scientific ideas in “uncertainty,” signals a dark turning point that is sure to touch us all.
The war on science is shaping the political policies governing our daily life. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the health of our oceans, streams, wild lands and wildlife.
At its heart, the current attack on science aims to de-regulate industry, weaken, and even repeal environmental laws – including one of most successful bipartisan pieces of legislation our country has ever adopted, the Endangered Species Act. The ESA is the world’s “gold standard” for conservation and protection of animals and plants. It has given thousands of at-risk species a second chance for over four decades and has worked successfully to prevent the extinction of 99% of the species placed under its protection. According to a national poll conducted in 2015, 90% of American voters support the Act.
Despite its success and public support, anti-environment interests in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate are currently crafting some of the most serious threats ever posed to the cornerstone of our nation’s conservation law.
Science has concluded that we have entered an unprecedented period of climate change and human-caused Sixth Mass Extinction. Earth has lost half of its wildlife in the past 40 years. With species vanishing at this alarming rate, it is critical that our environmental policies be motivated by science.
This Earth Day on April 22nd, we will march on behalf of wolves, wildlife, wild lands and water. We will march for the Endangered Species Act. We will march for our children. Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges. If we allow science to be silenced, we fail ourselves – now and for future generations.