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Mexican Gray Wolf M1133 Turns Nine Years Old

Mexican wolf M1i33 with daughter, F1508 (a.k.a. K.B.)

Birthdays abound! Wolves are mono-estrus, breeding only once a year during the winter months. So springtime is birthday season! Today we celebrate Mexican gray wolf M1133!

In October of 2015, Mexican Gray Wolf M1133 (affectionately nicknamed “Rhett” by the Wolf Conservation Center’s community of webcam watchers) met a voluptuous loba – Mexican gray wolf F1226 (a.k.a. Belle).

The Species Survival Plan (SSP) management group for the Mexican gray wolf determines which wolves should be bred each year by using software developed for the population management of endangered species. This is necessary because all Mexican wolves descended from just 7 founders rescued from extinction. Genetic diversity is the primary consideration in the selection of Mexican wolf breeding pairs and M1133 and F1226 are a great match on paper with an extremely low inbreeding coefficient.

Sometimes saving a species isn’t very romantic, but it turns out that M1133 and F1226 are a vibrant, loving, and playful pair that make it look like a whole lot of fun!

The terrific twosome bonded effortlessly. The day the wolves were officially introduced, a global audience witnessed (via webcam) the lovely lobos meet with a kiss! Their wild chemistry blossomed further when they welcomed three pups on May 25, 2016. Beyond being adorable, his daughter and two sons represent the Wolf Conservation Center’s active efforts to save a species from extinction.

Today, with his well-earned badge of fatherhood, M1133 is poised to repeat last year’s feat with a second litter sometime next month.

Ss here’s hoping M1133 gets a chance to rest up on his 9th birthday. With potential pups on the way, he’ll need as much energy as he can get!

Happy birthday, M1133!