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Alaska’s Largest Lethal Wolf Control Program To End



Alaska is scheduled to end it’s largest lethal wolf control program! The Upper Yukon Tanana area program, which has targeted wolves in an area of the eastern interior since 2004, is scheduled to cease after the 2017-2018 season.

Since 2004, over 1000 wolves have been killed via aerial gunning under the program, costing tax payers millions of dollars and the National Park Service (NPS) several years of irreplaceable research. Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve Superintendent Greg Dudgeon said some of the wolves lost were part of a long running NPS study, which was halted due to the state wolf kill.

“We did lose several years in what had been a 22-year-long for wolves with home ranges within Yukon Charley River’s natural preserve,” Dudgeon said. “We won’t get that back.”

The State’s long running Upper Yukon Tanana lethal wolf control effort has been aim aimed at increasing caribou numbers for hunters by reducing the number of wolves, but Alaska Department of Fish and Game regional supervisor Darren Bruning said research indicates wolves are not the limiting factor.

More via Alaska Public Media.