Protect the Endangered Species Act
Today and tomorrow, the House Natural Resources Committee will consider a handful of bills that are poised to severely undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Two bills, H.R. 3668 and H.R. 424, seek to strip federal ESA protections for wolves in 4 states to allow wolves to be shot and trapped for trophy. To add insult to injury, the bills prohibit their judicial review thus preventing any legal challenge.
The ESA requires the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to follow the best available science, not politics, in listing decisions. These bills blatantly ignore this federal mandate, and thus undermines the integrity of our nation’s most significant environmental law.
If your U.S. Representative serves on the on the House Natural Resources Committee, please ask him or her to vote NO on all the bills these being considering the committee.
View members of the HNRC here.