B.C. Govt. Seeks to Trap Unique Coastal Sea Wolves
During the Wolf Conservation Center’s 2017 summer adventure in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest, WCC staff and supporters were treated to a wild melody from a coastal sea wolf.
British Columbia’s coastal wolves live a unique existence. Hunting and beach-combing on the fringe between rainforest and ocean, they swim between islands and eat whatever the sea serves up.
Today, these wolves need your help.
On January 10, 2018, in a misguided attempt to preserve deer populations, the B.C. government announced it’s proposal to increase the wolf trapping season on Vancouver Island to 10 months out of the year.
The proposal states that they are basing the decision on anecdotal information and not on science or any reliable data.
Moreover, trapping is inhumane and inherently nonselective. They injure and kill countless nontarget animals annually, including endangered and threatened species, and even family pets.
Please help.
Submit comments to B.C.’s Fish and Wildlife Branch and oppose the NDP government’s proposal to lengthen the wolf trapping season on Vancouver Island. Pacific Wild offers you helpful tools.