Month: March 2019
St Patrick’s Day Kiss?
Arctic pride!? Wild Arctic gray wolves (Canis lupus arctos) live primarily in the Arctic, the region located above 67° north latitude. The land is covered with snow and ice for…
Read MoreDepartment of the Interior Announces Gray Wolf Delisting Plan
Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) formally announced its plan to remove federal Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in the lower 48 states. Wolves once ranged across most…
Read MoreHowling Dialects of Wolves
Did you know that wolves across the world speak in 21 different dialects, with differences depending both on species and location? The largest-ever study of howling in the ‘canid’ family of species…
Read MoreFeds Seek to Strip Federal ESA Protection for Gray Wolves Nationwide
The ESA let our country give wolves a second chance. With second chances so hard to come by, should we be willing to throw them away? Today, Acting Secretary of…
Read MoreNPS Releases Four More Wolves on Michigan’s Isle Royale
Before the National Park Service began its wolf relocation project last fall, the last two wolves to call Isle Royale home were at risk of vanishing from the island altogether,…
Read MoreWebcam Footage Answers Age-old Question, “Where Do Wolf Pups Come From?”
It’s an exciting time for wolves — it’s the season of romance! Hormones are racing, and earlier this week red wolves Charlotte (F2121) and Jack (M1606) engaged in a copulatory…
Read MoreRole of Reproductive Management in Mexican Wolf Recovery
In an effort to offer insight into the complex and critically important world of Mexican gray wolf reproductive management, the Wolf Conservation Center is extending a FREE webinar on March 27…
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