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Mexican Gray Wolf Trumpet Turns Five, Red Wolf Jack Fourteen

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Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal, but for wolves it’s also the season of birthdays!

Happy 5th Birthday to Mexican Gray Wolf Trumpet!

Trumpet (F1505) has always been a trailblazing wolf. Named so for her eruptive squeaks and howls as a newborn pup, she was the sole pup born to Diego (M1059) and Rosa (F1143) when they were paired in 2016. When Trumpet reached adulthood she met her mate LightHawk (M1564), a formerly wild-roaming wolf who now lives at the WCC. They took an instant liking to one another and had three pups together in 2018. The following year, they had five more. One of those pups in particular shared her mother’s trailblazing spirit and her father’s taste for the wild, and was selected to be released into the Arizona wilderness at just two weeks old. This process, called “cross-fostering”, involves placing a captive-born wolf pup with a wild family with pups of a similar age. This pup (f1958) was nicknamed Hope, as she represents the hope and recovery potential of her species. We think it’s safe to say that Trumpet’s contributions to Mexican wolf conservation have been nothing short of instrumental. Learn more about Hope’s adventure!

Red Wolf Jack Turns 14!

Arguably one of the most entertaining wolves at the WCC, Jack (M1606) is ringing in his 14th birthday with his favorite wolves – his mate, Charlotte, and two of their sons, Ben and Deven. At fourteen years old, Jack is the oldest of the fifteen red wolves who call the WCC home, he’s also a favorite among webcam watchers and is well-known for his bold and curious nature. Jack is deeply protective of his family and is quick to investigate any slight disturbance around the enclosure. He is also often one of the first wolves to respond during a group howl. He is easily recognizable by his characteristic gray face and deep brown eyes.

Join us in sending birthday howls to these essential wolves!