Month: June 2021
Take Action to Keep Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf Wild and Free in Northern Arizona
Endangered Mexican gray wolf Anubis (m2520) is at risk of capture and translocation just for roaming the forests north of Interstate 40. A solitary subadult male Mexican gray wolf has…
Read MoreKilling wolves is unnecessary. Wolves Naturally Limit Their Own Numbers
At the start of 2021, the Trump Administration removed the gray wolf from the federal endangered species list, ending longstanding federal safeguards for wolves across the lower 48 states, save…
Read MoreConservation Groups Ask Biden Administration to Restore Protections for Northern Rockies Wolves
More than 50 wildlife conservation groups, including the Wolf Conservation Center, today asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to immediately restore Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections to gray wolves…
Read MoreMeddlesome Mammal Not Ready for Their Close-up
Trail cameras are an oft-used tool for monitoring wildlife, and one of their biggest benefits is their non-invasive nature. A trail camera (also known as remote or wildlife cameras) is…
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