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Wolf Conservation Center Welcomes Critically Endangered Red Wolf in Effort to Save Species

Jacques Sm Logo

The Wolf Conservation Center family just got a little bigger!

In December 2021, red wolf Jacques (M2152) arrived at the WCC from the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. The strapping fellow was born at PDZA in 2016 and, thanks to generous assistance from Lighthawk, made the cross-country flight in style. He traveled in a private plane!

When he was born, Jacques was given the name “Jack” by his birth facility but in an effort to both honor his name and the WCC’s famous red wolf Jack who passed away in the fall of 2021, the WCC altered Jack’s name to Jacques.

Once he settles in, he will be introduced to red wolf Charlotte (former mate of red wolf Jack) in hopes that they will not only find love and companionship, but will also welcome pups in the spring.

We won’t know the outcome of a potential union until “pup season” in April or May. But in the meantime, throw back your head and let out a long welcoming howl for the newest member of the WCC family!