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8 Reasons to Love Wolves on #InternationalWolfDay 

  1. Wolves are a keystone species. Keystone species help define an entire ecosystem. Without wolves, ecosystems can spiral out of control—or even cease to exist altogether. Wolves are essential! 
  1. Wolf packs are families. Moms, dads, siblings, and a tight family unit—wolf packs are, in many ways, similar to human family units. The immense love and care wolves show each other is beautiful.  
  1. Fragile ecosystems thrive near wolves. Ungulates like deer, elk, and caribou are less likely to overgraze in fragile ecosystems near rivers and streams when wolves are present. 
  1. Wolves have personalities. If you’ve ever watched our live webcams, you know this! Wolves at the WCC and in the wild have unique personalities. Wolves can be spunky, introverted, fierce, goofy, you name it! 
  1. Wolves lower the spread of disease. Believe it or not! This is because deer and elk tend to congregate in smaller groups when wolves are around, reducing the transmission of illnesses
  1. Wolves help nature thrive. Plant life benefits from wolf carrion left to decay, which enhances nutrient levels in the soil and results in healthier native plants. 
  1. We can learn from wolves. Studying how wolves live, move, and interact with their habitats can teach us a lot about ecosystems and our environment—and about ourselves. 
  1. Wolves inspire us. Wolves are fierce and brave. They follow their instincts, learn from each other, and pass down knowledge from one generation to the next. We could all benefit from tapping into our inner wolf from time to time!