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Montana Bill Would Allow Mass Slaughter of Wolves, Public Comment Needed

Nikai Trophy Wide

Montana’s legislative session is in full swing, and so are the anti-wolf, anti-science bills. On Thursday, January 30th at 3 pm MST, the House Fish, Wildlife & Parks committee will discuss HB 259. The bill would undermine science-based management of wolves and completely disregards the right of wolves to exist.

We urge you to OPPOSE this bill, whether through public testimony or written comments.

At surface level, the bill promises to revise laws related to the management of gray wolves, but even a cursory glance of the text shows the true goal: eradicate wolves in Montana. The bill calls for:

  • Reducing the wolf population to 15 breeding pairs (the minimum number required for Montana to maintain state control)
  • Issuing multiple hunting licenses to a single applicant
  • Allowing the trapping or snaring of multiple wolves by the holder of one trapping license
  • Killing an unlimited number of wolves by the holder of one wolf hunting license
  • Using bait to hunt or trap wolves
  • Hunting wolves on private lands at night with night vision, infrared, or thermal imagery scopes

Take action for Montana’s wolves! Click the link below to submit your comment (note: you’ll need to make a free account to comment).