Learn about North America's wildest residents - wolves - during an education session with a WCC wolf expert. Students will be exposed to the history, ecology, and biology of wolves, and will learn about the current challenges facing wolf recovery across the United States. An emphasis will be placed on endangered species recovery programs for critically endangered red wolves and Mexican gray wolves.
Join the WCC on May 22, 2020 at 12 pm EDT for this educational opportunity!
This program will discuss:
- History/current range of wolves in North America
- Species and subspecies
- Diet/body structure
- Endangered wolf species in North America
- Ecological role of wolves and large predators
- Communication/behavior
Students will finish the program feeling empowered to help save wolves and will be equipped with the necessary tools to do so. The WCC wolf expert will provide students with ways to support wolves from home and school, and will offer suggestions for speaking up for wolves on a local, state, and federal level.