School/Group Education Programs

Learn about North America's wildest residents - wolves - during an education session with a WCC wolf expert.

Schedule a Program


Days: Tuesday - Friday


  • Fee (adults): $14
  • Fee (children under 12): $11
  • Groups: minimum fee of $200. If this fee is exceeded based on group size, pricing reverts to the per person fees stated above. Contact to reserve a group visit to the WCC.

Programs can be scheduled pending availability. We cannot guarantee the option to schedule a private group visit on Saturday or Sunday. 

Attendees will be exposed to the history, ecology, and biology of wolves, and will learn about the current challenges facing wolf recovery across the United States. An emphasis will be placed on endangered species recovery programs for critically endangered red wolves and Mexican gray wolves. This program is suitable for individuals of all ages and can be tailored to meet specific education requirements.

Each program is roughly an hour and a half in length and will allow visitors to learn more about wolf behavior, ecology, and history, while also viewing the WCC's ambassador wolves. Programs contain indoor and outdoor portions so please dress accordingly.

Field trips

If you would like to schedule a field trip, please email and include the following:

  • School name and grade level(s)
  • Approximate number of students and teachers that will be in attendance
  • Three preferred dates and times

*Is your NY school district entitled to receive a reimbursement on a percentage of the cost for eligible environmental education programs? Learn more from PNWBOCES Environmental Education Contracting Services.