
Onsite Help

There's always work to be done at the Center. The jobs aren't always glamorous, but they do all come with the benefit of getting to observe the wolves. There is no physical contact with the wolves. We offer the following volunteer opportunities.

  • Grounds Maintenance: We could always use help cleaning, cutting grass, clearing brush, assisting with the various construction tasks and projects that arise (weekday morning/afternoon availability)
  • Assistant Guides: Assist with programs, set up, and clean up while participating in the educational program as a WCC representative (weekend availability)
  • Roadkill Deer Acquistion and Handling: Assist with acquisition and handling of road kill deer. This volunteer position is on call, requires a clean driving record, the abilty to lift 60 lbs, and you must live within 15-20 miles of the WCC
  • Group Volunteering: The WCC can accommodate volunteer groups of 10—25 people, for 3—5 hours, during the week (Tuesday-Friday) or on the weekends. Adult groups are subject to a $200 fee to volunteer during the week, group volunteering is free for kids groups (aged 16 or under) during the week. All volunteer groups, regardless of age, are subject to a $500 fee to volunteer on the weekends. Groups will typically assist ongoing grounds and maintenance projects at the center. Please direct all group volunteer requests to volunteer@nywolf.org


We are sustained by donations from individuals, so another huge way people of all ages can help us is by conducting their own fund-raising events for the Wolf Conservation Center. It doesn't have to be difficult or even involve too much preparation or planning – we want you to enjoy whatever you do with us or on our behalf!


If you are interested in applying for a volunteer position, please fill out a volunteer application through our Volunteer Portal (linked below). Applications will be reviewed for fit against current openings and needs. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee acceptance of all applications.  If there is interest we will reach out for an interview.  For all volunteers over the age of 18 there is a $25 application fee*, paid upon acceptance, to cover background check costs which can be paid via cash, check or credit card over the phone.

*There is an additional cost associated with background checks for out of state applicants and applicants from New York City

We require that all volunteers commit to at least 45-60 volunteer hours per year.  Short-term volunteer opportunities and community service opportunities may be available on a case-by-case basis.  For additional information about volunteering, please email volunteer@nywolf.org.

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