Understanding Policy: How We Protect Our Most At-Risk Species

Have you wondered how the government makes management decisions for wolves and other wildlife? Do you want to stay on top of new environmental legislation but don’t know where to look? Perhaps you’ve heard of the Endangered Species Act, but aren’t sure how it works.

On April 3, 2019, the Wolf Conservation Center hosted Nadya Hall, MS, to offer a free webinar, "Understanding Policy: How We Protect Our Most At-Risk Species," to discuss how wildlife policy is developed, implemented, and amended by lawmakers and citizen advocates alike.

About The Speaker:

Nadya Hall earned her master’s in environmental policy from Pace University in 2018 where she studied human-wildlife conflict and coexistence. She is now the Community Environmentalist at Teatown Lake Reservation, a 1,000 acre education center and nature preserve. Most recently, her research has focused on the human dimensions of coyote management in suburban areas. Nadya is passionate about the conservation of wildlife and wild places through science, advocacy, and environmental education.

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Oppose USFWS Nationwide Delisting Proposal

On March 15, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) officially proposed removing federal Endangered Species Act protections for nearly all gray wolves across the lower 48 states, a plan that would put the future of the gray wolf and its proven benefits to ecosystems at serious risk.

Under the proposed rule, only the critically endangered Mexican gray wolf population in Arizona and New Mexico would remain federally protected, where 131 remain.