On National Take A Hike Day, November 17th, join author and herbalist, Vanessa Chakour for a FREE online plant walk exploring common edible and medicinal plants and fungi. We’ll explore guidelines for mindful harvesting, the ecology of select plants, and thoughtful practices to build intimacy with wild plants and the land.
Join the Wolf Conservation Center and Vanessa on November 17, 2021, at 6 pm ET for this informative webinar and save the date, January 14th when she discusses her book, Awakening Artemis: Deepening Intimacy with the Living Earth and Reclaiming Our Wild Nature with the Wolf Conservation Center staff!
Suggested donations of $20 can be made to the Wolf Conservation Center.

An author, visual artist, herbalist, holistic arts educator, former pro-boxer, and environmental activist, Vanessa Chakour’s work is a dynamic blend of her vast personal experiences over the last two decades. Her unique approach is rooted in the belief that healing happens through reclaiming an intuitive connection to ourselves, the natural world, and our own “inner-wild.” She is the founder of Sacred Warrior whose mission is to deepen relationships with ourselves and the environment. Her upcoming book, Awakening Artemis: Deepening Intimacy with the Living Earth and Reclaiming Our Wild Nature will be published by Penguin Life on December 28th and is now available for preorder.